Course Syllabus


ENG 101.20   Literature and Composition                Dr. James Allen Hall                 

Classroom: 117 Goldstein Hall                                  TTh 10:00-11:15                                Office: 221 Smith Hall

Phone: (410) 778-7887                    Office Hours: MW 10-11, T 1-2, & by appointment     Fall 2015


Course Description:     English 101: Literature and Composition teaches students to engage texts critically, to question their rhetorical strategies, and to compose written arguments about those texts—all so that students become better contributors to academic discourses. ENG 101 believes that writing and revising are inextricably linked: We synthesize what has already been said in order to situate our own voices and in order to make a new contribution to the conversation. We link some new thing we encounter to some old thing with which we're already familiar, revising the unknown with the help of the known. Revision, then, is the heart of not just writing and speaking, but our very processes of gaining knowledge. I have taken great care to select texts and design assignments that confront notions of, and help us practice, this important art of revision.


Secondly, the course believes that literature serves as a medium for human thought and emotion—that literature archives what's been artfully said about what makes us human. We will use two excellent writers and one of those writer's chief critics to explore the craft of writing.


The central component of the course is the workshop. Students will draft essays and we will workshop those essays—that is to say, we will have a moderated discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of the writing. We will discuss your writing in a constructive and honest way.


ENG 101 Course Objectives:

  • Critical Thinking (Class Participation, Writing Assignments, Workshop Critiques, Workshop Papers, Revision Plans, Exam, Revision Proposal). Students will learn to describe texts, to notice patterns and variations in them, and to analyze these patterns and variations.
  • Rhetorical Knowledge: (Writing Assignments, Workshop Papers, Workshop Critiques, Reading Assignments, Exam, Revision Proposal). Students will learn to identify rhetorical strategies and structures, including common key elements for essay composition, such as developing a thesis, deploying and analyzing evidence, and strategies for crafting effective introductions and conclusions. Some attention to how we define and refine audience will be paid.
  • Writing Processes: (Workshop Papers, Revision Plans, Writing Assignments, Revision Proposal). Students will learn effective strategies in order to organize their arguments, and students will identify revision strategies and apply them to their own writing. This class requires students to engage the writing process at every step of the way: invention, drafting, and revising. Extensive attention will be paid, then, to the tools writers use in each of these stages.
  • Awareness of Conventions: (Writing Assignments, Exam, Reading Assignments, Workshop Critiques, Revision Plans, Class Discussion). Students will learn effective uses of style and diction through the careful analysis of literature as well as the composition of their own responses to texts. Emphasis will be given to the conventions of Standard Written English.


Policy Statement: We will read writers that may challenge the way you think. You may not agree with certain texts; the course does not require your agreement. It does insist upon your intellectual participation and engagement. I expect all of us to respect each member of this classroom community as well as the ideas expressed therein. I expect students to comport themselves as adults do: by engaging texts and each other thoughtfully and respectfully.


Plagiarism: I won’t tolerate representing someone else’s work as your own. Such academic dishonesty, even at the draft level, will result in serious effects, ranging from failing the class to expulsion. Please familiarize yourself with the Washington College Honor Code, and make sure that you write and sign the Honor Code statement on each piece of written work you turn in. As well, familiarize yourselves with the College's policy regarding academic dishonesty, found on pages 12-13 of the Student Handbook: I have also posted a document on Canvas titled, "Avoiding Plagiarism: A Resource Guide." It contains a bevy of resources to help you avoid stealing intellectual property and to help you cite your sources properly.

            Washington College has contracted with, a web-based plagiarism prevention service, and any paper you turn in via Canvas will be submitted to I reserve the right to submit other written work you do to


Late Work: Turn in assignments on the day they’re due in class. If you must miss class for some reason, please make sure that you turn in the assignment before the class. I will take late work if I can, but not without a penalty. See Professionalism under Course Requirements.


Grading Policy: Excellence occurs when students combine effective rhetorical strategies, dazzling syntax, and active voice. It happens when students are able to marshal a variety of evidence, analyze that evidence, and connect their analysis back to the thesis statement, thereby synthesizing points and extending their argument into new territory. Excellent work is polished, and contains few errors in grammar. I encourage you to aspire to excellence.

            Note that the goal is excellence, a word that came in to English parlance in the 14th century, and which the Oxford English Dictionary tells us is rooted in Latin (excellĕre: to rise above others, be eminent). The word is formed by adding the prefix ex- (out, forth, upward) to the root verb cellĕre, which means to rise high, tower (taken from celsus, an adjective that means lofty). Excellĕre is a verb found only in compounds: to excel is never merely to do one thing itself, but rather is achieved by adding something extra, something extraordinary, to the given.    

            At the university level, As mean that students have achieved excellence: lofty feats and towering triumphs. Bs denote that students have met the requirements and have achieved excellence in some aspects of the assignment. Cs mean that students have completed an assignment satisfactorily. Ds and Fs mean that the student has achieved satisfactory progress on a few aspects, but that the student has not met the minimum goals of the assignment.  


Grading Scale:

100      A+                   99-94   A         93-90   A-

89-87   B+                   86-84   B          83-80   B-

79-77   C+                   76-74   C          73-70   C-                   

69-67   D+                  66-64   D         63-60   D-        59-0:    F

Note: Students must achieve a C- or better in order to gain credit for ENG 101.

Note 2: There is no college-wide scale. I have researched what my colleagues use and have constructed a fair scale.


Formatting: All work must be typed if it is produced outside of class. Papers must be typed in size 12 type, using a professional font (either Times New Roman or Garamond), using only one side of the page with one-inch margins at the top, bottom, left, and right. The very top left of the page should include name, assignment, and date of submission, all single-spaced. The title of each paper should be centered and must appear after one single space following the date. Every line of the paper itself should be double-spaced from the title to the final sentence. Please reduce the amount of space after each paragraph to be equal to the space between the lines: set it to 0 instead of 6 pts. Each essay must be stapled and include a page number in the upper right hand corner starting on the second page.


Electronic Devices Policy: Please keep your focus on the material during class. Students may bring an e-reader or laptop to class on days we are discussing material from Canvas, though I reserve the right to require material printed out and brought physically to class if I believe that it would suit the pedagogical purpose for that class day. My policy is that if your phone rings in class, I will answer it and politely remind the caller that you are in class. If my phone rings in class, I will happily allow a student to answer the call.

Some Important Student Resources


  1. Writing Center: One of the most important resources for any student at Washington College is the Writing Center, located in 106 Goldstein. The Writing Center offers peer tutorial sessions, workshops, and other guidance regarding writing well. To view hours and to make an appointment online, visit Students will also be required to attend three Workshop sessions, noted on the schedule below.


  1. Office of Academic Skills: Located on the 2nd floor of the Miller Library, the OAS provides students with support that enhances their academic and personal development. They offer a series of workshops throughout the semester, which I have included on this syllabus. As well, students can request tutoring in any subject area and receive peer tutoring through the OAS. It is an invaluable resource I hope all students will keep in mind.


  1. Washington College Academic Resources Website: This website will allow you to log on to academic resources in order to make an appointment with such things as the Writing Center or the OAS.


  1. The Online Writing Lab at Purdue (OWL): The OWL offers over 200 free resources ranging from research to grammar and mechanics to citation help. Go ahead and bookmark that now on your web browser; you’ll want it for the rest of your college career, if not for the rest of your writing life.



derived from


  • You will be given the respect that you are asked to give me and all members of this class.


  • Class will begin and end on time. We will try to follow the course calendar as closely as possible. All changes to the calendar will be made in class and announced via Canvas/email.


  • If you do not turn in an assignment, I will assume that you are content with a grade of zero.


  • You will be graded fairly and responsibly, and your assignments will be returned to you within two weeks. Each assignment will be graded on its own merit. The class will collectively agree on the grading criteria for your writing in the class. I am willing to explain your grades to you, but if you request a grade change, you must be willing to explain (using the same criteria) why you deserve a different grade.


  • I will be available to help you, but you must let me know that you need help. I will be available during my scheduled office hours, and I can often schedule appointments at other times. I will return emails promptly, and I will always acknowledge your email with one of my own. Please contact me when you first have a question or a problem. If you wait until it is too late, then it is too late!


  • I will be receptive to and encourage constructive comments about my teaching and about our class.


  • I will follow and enforce the college policy on academic dishonesty, particularly with regards to cheating and plagiarism.  See above for information on the College's policy in the student handbook.




  • You will read the syllabus and know the workload required. Be aware that on average, you should spend 3 hours on your own outside of class (reading, studying, making notes, working on assignments, etc.) for every hour you are in class.


  • You will attend class regularly and on time.


  • You will bring a notebook and writing utensil to class and use those materials to take notes. I expect that these in-class notes will supplement the notes you make on the reading—notes that you will write either in this notebook or on the printouts of the reading or in the book. I expect you to keep the readings together in a folder. In addition, I expect students to write a small 4-5-sentence paragraph after class that tries to capture what we learned that class day. I expect that you will share these with each other when another student asks.


  • You will observe basic classroom decorum. In this class that means (but is not limited to) the following:

o          Turn off all electronic devices, alarms, pagers and cell phones. Absolutely NO TEXTING.

o          If you come in late, leave early, or need to leave during class, do so with a minimum of disruption. If you are coming in late, it’s a good idea to take off your coat and open your backpack in the hallway

o          You may eat or drink in the class, providing it is not disruptive (no "noisy" or obnoxiously odorous foods) and that you clean up after yourself

o          You will not start to put away your things until the class is over

o          You will not interrupt when someone else is speaking


  • You will do all of the required reading. You will read the material twice. This means that you will likely have to read things more than once in order to fully understand them (remember the 3:1 ratio).


  • You will be responsible for all of the material that we cover in class. If you miss a class, you will contact another student to find out what you missed. After doing so, you may meet with me for additional.


  • If you have a question, you will ask it. You may ask during class, during my office hours, or via email.


  • You will turn in your assignments on time (all times Eastern Standard).


  • You will work to improve your writing skills throughout this class. You will ask me for help, and also contact the college writing center if you need to. See the above link for the Writing Center.


  • If you have a documented learning difference, you will let me know so that I can help level the playing field. Documentation (accommodation letters) must come from the Academic Skills Office (x7883;


  • You will share your personality, knowledge, skills and special expertise with the rest of us throughout this semester. This means actively listening and participating in class activities and discussions.


  • Your communication with me will be professional and courteous. In your emails, make sure you write like a professional would, including a subject line, an address to an individual (Hello Dr. Hall works), and the body of the email written in complete sentences which avoid using spelling common to texting and instant messaging. If you do not receive an email acknowledging receipt of your email, then I assume you will re-send the message until you do.


Course Requirements:


Professionalism (20 pts)                      Writing Assignments (10 points)                     Exam (20 points)       

Workshop Papers (30 pts)                   Revision Plans (10 pts)                                                Revision Proposal (10 pts)     

            Note: Students who earn less than a C- in this course must repeat it.


  1. Professionalism (20 points, evenly divided):
  2. Attendance (10 pts): I take attendance through roll sheets. I only excuse absences if Washington College

requires your presence elsewhere or if you observe a religious holiday not recognized by the College. I must

have written notice (email is fine) 48 hours before the absence takes place. You must meet with me in

conference twice; these count toward your attendance. Grading for attendance is as            follows:         

            0: 10pts          1: 9 pts       2: 8 pts    3: 7 pts     4: 6 pts.   5: 5 pts.

Upon the 6th absence, a student automatically fails this course and must repeat it the following semester.


  1. Participation (10pts): This comprises all interactions with me and with your peers. Come to class prepared. Speak intelligently and constructively about the work under discussion. You can point us to questions you had about the text, engage in level-headed debate with other viewpoints about the text, or make connections between texts, etc. Be engaged with the material in the classroom. You can be intellectually absent just as you can be physically absent. If you are not prepared for class, I will dismiss you and mark you as absent. If you don’t interact in class, expect to earn minimal points. I adhere to the following rubric to determine your participation grade:

If you say almost nothing on most days: 0 – 1 points.

If you make 1 helpful contribution on most days: 2-4 points.

If you make 2-3 helpful contributions on most days: 5-7 points.

If you make 4 helpful contributions on most days: 8-9 points.

If you make countless helpful contributions every day: 10 points.


Participation is a matter of quantity and also quality.


All students must have an email address and check it at least once daily. If I send you an individual email, I expect a response back from you. Failure to check and respond to email will result in a lower Professionalism grade. You must be in class to complete in-class assignments. Missing class is not an excuse for not turning in work due that day, however.

If it becomes clear that the class is not reading the assigned texts, I will begin to quiz you; this will be

factored into your participation grade.


  1. Writing Assignments (10 points): Averaged together, these assignments are low-impact weekly or bi-weekly writing assignments designed to help you engage with issues of style, composition, and revision. I will average these together. I reserve the right to drop the lowest grade, but you should not count on this being done. You must be in class to complete in-class writing assignments.

            10-9: Excellent effort at applying the reading and lecture/discussion to the assignment, showing a superior

                        understanding of the main ideas of the lesson. Shows polish and adheres to formatting guidelines                            (outlined on p. 2 of the syllabus).

8-7: Above average effort at incorporating the reading and lecture/discussion, but some key elements (main

            ideas) of the reading/lecture were not wholly addressed in the assignment. Though the overall        assignment may not show an excellent understanding of the lesson, the assignment still demonstrates         most of the main ideas and expresses them at a high level. An 8 may still be awarded to an excellent           assignment if it fails to adhere to the format guidelines, or if it is riddled with typos or grammatical mistakes (more than 3).

6-5: Adequate effort was made to incorporate the reading and lecture/discussion, but some key elements or           main ideas were not addressed, and the prose has some issues with clarity (i.e., more than basic typos or         a few grammatical mistakes, I have difficulty comprehending a sentence's meaning).

4-3: Minimal effort at incorporating the lesson is shown, and a very basic understanding of the lesson is      expressed in the assignment. Typos and/or unclear sentences riddle the assignment.

2-1:   Inadequate effort has been given to complete the assignment and demonstrate the lesson of the reading          and lecture/discussion.           


  1. Exam (20 points): The exam consists of three sections: matching (10 points), true/false (5 points), and short response (5 points). The exam covers the syllabus, reading assignments, lecture, and discussion, and is designed to test your knowledge of key terms, course goals, and important concepts. I will publish the format of the exam in advance.


  1. Workshop Papers (30 pts, divided evenly). There are two workshop papers for this course. You will turn in drafts (via Canvas) for a workshop discussion. These drafts are ungraded; the class will have an intelligent and productive conversation regarding the strengths and weaknesses of your paper. Each class member (including me) will assign a numerical evaluation too, so a) we can continue to hone our critique and b) so that each writer has an idea of his or her draft's trouble areas. We will use as our rubric the criteria we determine together.

            You will then write a Revision Plan (see # 5) for each paper, and a week after the Revision Plan is returned to you (with comments from me), your Paper is due to me, on Canvas. This second draft will be graded according to the criteria we determine together. Failure to draft any paper will automatically earn a failing grade for the course.


Both papers ask you to close read the two major texts for the course. A close reading identifies the central purpose or thematic or argument of a text—in other words, what it means. It then analyzes how it constructs that meaning, or how it makes its argument, by looking very closely at one element of the writing, and by selecting pieces of the text which are then analyzed in-depth and then applied to the text as a whole.


Paper 1: Close Reading: Dickinson

Workshop Paper # 1 asks you to write a thorough close reading on one of these Dickinson poems:

314                  373                  429                  1218                1268                1773 


You'll propose that the poem means or argues something. To support your argument about the poem's meaning, you will analyze one element of craft (point of view, tone, metaphor, or imagery), to show how Dickinson makes her argument. Your essay should make use of Vendler and other course texts, and other research may be implemented if you wish.


By thorough, I mean that you consider all of the applicable evidence, that you consider alternate choices the writer could have made, and that you do so by using evidence that illustrates, that authorizes or borrows, and that extends the argument further. Students constantly want me to nail this into a quantifiable page length. But I think this is anti-intellectual and counter-intuitive to the way writers write. Your form (a thorough close reading of a poem) does have relationship with the content (what does Dickinson argue and how does she make that argument?), and I'd like you to focus on that aspect of the writing of this essay. Other writing assignments later in the semester will ask you for different formats that do have length minimums and maximums, but this is not one of them. I have seen successful close readings that have been as few as two pages and I have seen successful close readings that have been as many as twenty pages. The average paper length is generally three pages in past iterations of this assignment. The best answer to the question, "How many pages should this be," really is, "As many pages as it takes for my argument to thoroughly identify, analyze, and synthesize the evidence in my question."


Paper 2: Close Reading: Morrison. Workshop Paper # 2 asks you to write a paper in which you thoroughly consider a theme in Toni Morrison's novel, Beloved. (Some themes might be gendered oppression, heroism, memory, addiction, human love, identity, silence, faith, or social ills). You might begin by describing the project of this novel—what does it argue about the theme, or what does it attempt to teach us about the theme? How does it convey this argument or its lesson? You will analyze your evidence in order to support your own thesis statement about the novel's theme. You might, for instance, argue that memory is a kind of fiction, etc.—but you will use evidence from Beloved to support and develop an argument about the larger theme in question.


By thorough, I mean that you consider all of the applicable evidence, that you consider alternate choices the writer could have made, and that you do so by using evidence that illustrates, that authorizes or borrows, and that extends the argument further. Students constantly want me to nail this into a quantifiable page length. But I think this is anti-intellectual and counter-intuitive to the way writers write. Your form (a comparison/contrast) certainly might suggest content here (one paragraph on Williams and another on Morrison, then a third that synthesizes them), but that is not the only way to structure an argument. I have seen successful comparison/contrast that have totaled as few as three pages and I have seen successful assignments that have taken twenty pages. The average paper length is generally four pages in past iterations of this assignment. The best answer to the question, "How many pages should this be," really is, "As many pages as it takes for my argument to thoroughly identify, forward, and counter the evidence in my question."


  1. Revision Plan (10 points, divided evenly). For each Workshop Paper, you will turn in a Revision Plan (each worth 5 points). The Revision Plan will help you refine your argument. The Revision Plan guide (available on Canvas) gives you a detailed instruction outline. Excellent Revision Plans are thorough, address all the points raised during workshop, and reflect seriously about the purpose, structure, and efficacy of the paper’s argument. A week after your Revision Plan is handed back to you, your Workshop Paper is due again (and will be graded).


  1. Revision Proposal (10 pts). At the end of the course, you will propose to revise one of the workshop papers one more time. The Rubric and instruction guide is posted on Canvas. You will not actually revise the paper, but reflect upon changing the essay's structure, substance, and style. You will address what your proposed changes will achieve. This proposal will allow me to grade your critical thinking skills regarding revision.

            The Revision Proposal is worth (10) points and will help me evaluate your ability to revise reflectively.

                        10-9:   Exceptionally reflective and demonstrates a superior knowledge of crafting effective argument.

                        8-6:     Demonstrates above-average reflectiveness about the paper's rhetorical strategies and how they

                                    have changed over time; demonstrates superior knowledge about craft; few to no typos.

                        5-4       Adequately reflective; demonstrates average knowledge about effective rhetorical strategies.

                        3-1:     Minimal effort at reflecting over the choices the writer has made in revising his/her paper.                                      Does not address issues of craft or of rhetorical strategy.


Required Texts:

  1. College-level dictionary and thesaurus.
  2. Emails and handouts, as indicated on the syllabus and announced in class.
  3. Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Vintage, 2004. ISBN: 1400033411
  4. Vendler, Helen.  Dickinson: Selected Poems and Commentaries. Cambridge, MA: Belknap (Harvard University Press), 2012. ISBN: 0674066383.

Tentative Schedule




T 01:    Introduction.

What are writers? Why are you taking a class on writing?

What makes persuasive or "good" writing?

Please, bring your laptop to class to set bookmarks.

Assign course buddies.


Th 03:  Reading: Dickinson Poem # 340 and Vendler’s discussion following it (pages 141-143). Our discussion

today will focus on identifying the hallmarks of persuasive writing—or, in laymen’s terms, "good writing."


Criteria discussion: What criteria should we use to evaluate a piece of writing? How many points should

each criterion be worth (1-15 points). In other words, how do we, as a community, value elements of good



After we determine these criteria, I will post on Canvas [under FilesàAssignments] the evaluation criteria

we discuss. You will use this Evaluation Criteria to complete Writing Assignment # 1, due 9/8.

            Writing Assignment # 1: Scoring Vendler. Due Tues, 9/8: Read Dickinson Poem # 764 and          Vendler's commentary afterward. Using the Evaluation Criteria posted on Canvas, write up a

            scoring of Vendler’s commentary (not, obviously, Dickinson's poem) according to each criterion

            listed on the sheet. Under each criterion, write 1-2 sentences explaining your reasoning for

            assigning that score. Bring 1 copy to class (printed out).


T 8:      Discuss Writing Assignment # 1 (due at the beginning of today's class; bring 1 copy).

Dickinson: Poem 764

Canvas: Doty, "Speaking in Figures." Pay special attention to Doty's notion of "networks of sense." How

does metaphor create a kind of pattern, or a web, in the poem?


Writing Assignment # 2: Metaphor (in class). Choose either Poem 1263 or Poem 1121 and analyze the metaphors. What "networks of sense" does Dickinson construct with metaphor? What various levels of meaning does the writer achieve?


Th 10: Dickinson: Poem 409

Canvas: Stephen Dobyns, "The Function of Tone." What is Dobyns's main argument in this essay? Pay special attention to the governing aspects of tone.

Writing Assignment # 3: Select either Dickinson 269 or 647.  Using Dobyns's essay to help you, intensify the emotion in one of the poem's stanzas.  (Re-type the stanza out for clarity).  Write a short paragraph that reflects on how you've changed the emotion (from what to what) and with what tools you have accomplished that change (emotion, voice, intensity, and/or conditionality—note that the most effective examples will use a combination of more than one of these elements).  Due via Canvas by 10am, Monday 9/15.

           Writing Center visit (at 11:05, we will walk to Goldstein 106).  


T 15:    WA # 3 Due.

            Dickinson: Poems 194, 588,1096

            Canvas, Carl Dennis, “Point of View.” What is Dennis's main idea in this essay? Please note the strengths

            and weaknesses for each grammatical person.


Writing Assignment # 4 in-class: Dickinson: Choose between Dickinson's poems # 372 or 517. Rewrite the poem in another POV, and then write a 1-paragraph reaction, stating how your change in POV has changed the argument of Dickinson’s poem. Start by stating what the original thesis of the poem was before you changed it, please.



Th 17:  Due at the beginning of class:  Writing Assignment # 5:  Identify how Dickinson uses point of view, tone, metaphor, or another literary element to make meaning in one of the following poems.  This miniature close reading should be roughly one page.  Bring two copies printed out to class. Poems to choose from: 448, 528, 1577, or 1773.


Passive Voice & Boring Verbs.

Writing Assignment # 6: Revise boring verbs. Assignment description is on Canvas. (Due 9/22).


T 22:    WA # 6 Due.

            Canvas: Introduction & Conclusion Strategies.

            Dickinson # 519. What is Dickinson's introduction strategy in her poem?

            Writing Assignment # 7: Read Poem # 747. Determine Dickinson's aim in writing the poem? What is the speaker trying to get us to see or realize or feel? Now, write an Introductory paragraph that ends with your thesis (description of the poem's argument), using one of the Introduction strategies that we discussed in class. You may choose to write this assignment before class, or write in class and finish it by 5:00 pm (and upload it to Canvas).


            Canvas: Conclusion Strategies. Canvas: Dickinson # 280 in manuscript. What is Dickinson's conclusion strategy? How does she lead us to the conclusion?


Th 24: Examination.

            Early Course Evaluations.


Sunday, September 27: Workshop Paper # 1 Due by noon via upload to Canvas.


T 29:    Workshop Paper # 1.                                     




Th 1:    Workshop Paper # 1. Revision Plans Due.

T 6:      Workshop Paper # 1. Revision Plans Due.   

Th 8:    Workshop Paper # 1. Revision Plans Due.    Please bring Beloved to class.     The Four Modes of Narration.



T 13:    Class meets at 10:15 at the Kent County Courthouse, at 103 N. Cross Street.

            Revision Plans Due.

            Beloved. Foreword through Chapter 4 (p. 51).  

Th 15-F 16: Fall Break. No classes scheduled.

T 20:    Beloved. Read through p. 100 (through Chapter 8).    Workshop Paper # 1 (Final draft) due.

Th 22:  Beloved. 101-146 (Ch. 9-12).                        

            Writing Assignment # 8: Oxford English Dictionary dive.   Please refer to CanvasàAssignmentsàWriting

            Assignment 8.

Revised Schedule (10/27/15)



T 27:    class canceled (instructor ill)

Th 29:  Beloved. 147-195 (Ch. 13-18).

            Writing Assignment # 9, in class.   Focusing on Chapter 16 (174-180), write a paragraph about how this chapter revises our understanding of the novel by changing perspectives. Why does Morrison present one perspective first, and then the second one last? What would happen if we shifted these two pov-characters?




T 3:      Beloved. 199-270(Ch. 19-24).                                     

Th 5:    Beloved 271-324 (Ch 25-28).             


Saturday, November 7: Workshop Paper # 2 Draft Due by 12pm (noon).



T 10:    Workshop Paper # 2.

Th 12: Workshop Paper # 2. Revision Plans Due.               



Revised Schedule         ENG 101: Literature and Composition  (11.22.15)





T 1:      Revision Plans Due (from Th Nov. 12 workshop).


Workshop Paper # 2.  Pages 22-35 of the Paper # 2 document on Canvas. Essays include:

                        Workshop Paper # 2   22-23

                        Pain Which Imprints on Heart of Negro     24-27

                        Memory in Beloved   28-31

                        Workshop Paper # 2 – Beloved      32-35


Th 3:   Revision Plans Due (from T 1 workshop).

            Workshop Paper # 2: 4 papers handed out in class. Titles include:

                        A different love


                        The Addiction of Human Love

                        Beloved's Despised Beloved      


T 8:      Revision Plans Due. 

Writing Assignment # 10 (explaining/modeling Revision Proposal).

                        Bring 1 copy of Revised Paper # 1 to class.


Wednesday, 9:  Revision Plans will be available for pickup outside my office at 11:00 a.m.


Th 10:  Individual Conferences (Optional)


Saturday, 12:   Paper # 2 Due.


Paper # 2 will be graded and available for pickup by Monday, December 14, beginning at

3:00 p.m. outside my office door.



12/18 12:30-1:30 pm      Final Exam Period:    

Revision Proposal Due.  Course Evaluations.


Our Final Exam is scheduled for Friday, December 18, at 12:30 (we will go til about 1:30 pm). The Revision Proposal is due at the final exam, for which all students must be present. I understand that students will be ready to celebrate the end of a successful semester. I, too, relish my time away from school: it's when I get my own research and writing done, when I visit friends and family near and far, and when I recharge my batteries and prepare syllabi and lessons for next semester. But I would be doing you a disservice as a student, as a writer, and as a thinker, if I hurried this last important conversation. Please understand, I enforce this policy because I believe it will give you the necessary time to make more effective arguments. And writing more effective argument is, after all, the most important objective of this course.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due